Mass Grave Database - Based On Early Testemonies <<< New Search Additional Possible Matches Click a row to see the full testimony details. Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony Słomniki Słomniki We spent 4 days on wetlan... Łódź Łódź [summer 1942] Those dragg... Słomniki. Słomniki. [September 1942] After th... Słomniki. Niedźwiecki forest Another mass grave is loc... Przemyśl Przemyśl In September 1939 Germans... Przemyśl Przemyśl In November 1943, on Satu... Zawichost Zawichost Apart from Poles, several... Lyakhavichy Lyakhavichy A group of German thugs w... Rzepiennik Strzyzewski Rzepiennik Strzyzewski [12 September 1942] At 3 ... Otynia Otynia At that time (Arrival of ... Stepan Kostopil During the harvest in sum... Peremyshliany Peremyshliany [May 1943] Germans and Uk... Szebnia Szebnia There was a clearing in t... peremyshliany peremyshliany On 4 July, i.e. on Friday... Stawy Stawy [April 1942] In Stawy vil... Wlodzimierz Wolynski P'yatydini (P'yatykory?) [1942] Jews were starting... Suchedniów Suchedniów 50 bodies were transporte... Krzemieniec Maczkowa valley Next day, I learned about... Kołomyja Kołomyja The Germans used to organ... Wlodzimierz Wolynski Wlodzimierz Wolynski [July 1941] Three weeks a... Wlodzimierz Wolynski Piatydnie [July 1942] All of them c... Wlodzimierz Wolynski Wlodzimierz Wolynski [December 1942] One Jew a... Rohatyn Rohatyn On Sunday morning Gestapo... Gwozdziec Gwozdziec One night in the fall of ... Charsznica Choroderski forest. The first action in Chars... Page 38 | Additional Possible Matches >>>