
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Gliniany Gliniany Militia officers, who cau...
Kamianka-Buzka Zabuzhzhya After the Judenrein (lite...
Tluste Tluste After the third action, T...
Tluste Tluste [May 1943] The Jews gathe...
Kolbuszowa Kolbuszowa On 28 April 1942, 4 Gesta...
Skawina Skawina In 1943 I was living in S...
Tluste Tluste At the end of 1942, durin...
Tluste Tluste our town became "Judenfre...
Szumsk Szumsk [12 August 1942] Germans ...
Korets Korets They dig out a deep grave...
Kamianka-Buzka Kamianka-Buzka In the evening, Ukrainian...
Kamianka-Buzka Kamianka-Buzka [November, 1941] An orde...
Tluste Tluste On Thursday 27 May [1943]...
Tluste Tluste [6 June 1943] Within thre...
Tluste Tluste Through the window it was...
Tluste Tluste They began leading the Je...
Tluste Tluste Gendarmes surrounded the ...
Tluste Tluste We could hear gunshots, o...
Minsk Minsk Rübe had chosen 13 most b...
Iziaslav Iziaslav Every few weeks Gestapo w...
Iziaslav Iziaslav On 15 December 1942, all ...
Skawina Skawina On 27 January 1942, all J...
Tłuste Tłuste On 27 May 1943 was a day ...
Vilnius Vilnius Some Jews were hiding in ...
Nieśwież Nieśwież On 30 October 1941 Jews, ...