
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Tluste Tluste [6 June 1943] Within thre...
Tluste Tluste Through the window it was...
Nadworna "Bukowina" forest In the fall of 1941, duri...
Przemisl Przemisl We and 120 Jews were take...
Tluste Tluste They began leading the Je...
Tluste Tluste Gendarmes surrounded the ...
Tluste Tluste We could hear gunshots, o...
Sambir Sambir [14 April 1943] That day ...
Sambir Sambir There were four massive b...
Sambir Sambir On the same day, 30 June ...
Sambir Sambir During the second action,...
Minsk Minsk Rübe had chosen 13 most b...
Sambir Sambir During the action, which ...
Sambir Sambir In early November 1942 Ga...
Dęblin Bobrowniki From November 1941 to Sep...
Drohobych Medenychi 4 km from Drohobych. On 5 June 1943 one of the...
Skawina Skawina On 27 January 1942, all J...
Nowosiółki Nowosiółki The place of mass executi...
Dolyna near Ivano-Frankivsk Dolyna On Sunday, 3 August 1942,...
peremyshliany Brzezina Forest Next day, on 5 October 19...
Słomniki Słomniki Searching groups of Sonde...
Nieśwież Nieśwież On 30 October 1941 Jews, ...
Nieśwież Wojtkowszczyzna On 30 October 1941 Jews, ...
Smolansk Katyn forest (Polish officers) Each executions was prece...
Brest Brest According to the plan, th...