
Where vicitims are from, last know location Nowosiółki
Town/county where mass grave is located Nowosiółki
Mass Grave Location The place of mass executions, generally known as "Nowosiółki", is situated in the area of Barszczewo Municipality, near Fasty; the Nowosiółki village lays in the area of Choroszcz Municipality. On the 8th km of the road leading from Białystok to Warszawa, there is a right turn. [...] Next, a field track turns right into the forest. Then slides down to a meadow. On the left, there is a visible shooting range, on the right side of the road is a place where mass executions were carried out and the bodies buried. About 25 mass graves were situated there; Germans unearthed and burnt the bodies.
Date of Murder
Numer of Victims
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony The place of mass executions, generally known as "Nowosiółki", is situated in the area of Barszczewo Municipality, near Fasty; the Nowosiółki village lays in the area of Choroszcz Municipality. On the 8th km of the road leading from Białystok to Warszawa, there is a right turn. [...] Next, a field track turns right into the forest. Then slides down to a meadow. On the left, there is a visible shooting range, on the right side of the road is a place where mass executions were carried out and the bodies buried. About 25 mass graves were situated there; Germans unearthed and burnt the bodies.
Testimony Number 301/4792
page in longer testimony page 1
Date of Testimony October 10 1945
Name of Witness Inspection report on the places of mass executions in Nowosiolki
Current Country Poland