
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Vilinius Ponary [1941] The executions too...
Vilnius Ponary They were led by young Li...
Buchach Fedor In the morning of 4 Febru...
Kozienice Jedlnia One night two Jews escape...
Vilnius Ponary After many days of the fi...
Vilnius Czerwony Dwor One day in the fall of th...
Sędziszów (Jews from Pustków, Dębica county) Sędziszów I also know that on the o...
Dębica Dębica When I arrived at the cam...
Dębica Dębica Once, by accident, I witn...
Łódź Łódź [summer 1942] Those dragg...
Zdołbunów Zdołbunów Suddenly, at night on 12/...
Nadvirna Nadvirna My mummy was caught along...
Bialystok Pietraze After four months of Germ...
Stepan Kostopil During the harvest in sum...
Białystok Piertasze A report of works carried...
Łopuszno (Jews from elsewhere) Łopuszno In 1941 German soldiers b...
Skarzysko Kamienna Blizyn Bodies of 1200 Jews who s...
Wlodzimierz Wolynski P'yatydini (P'yatykory?) [1942] Jews were starting...
Nowy Sącz Rabka The second action took pl...
Nowy Cacz Nowy Cacz Germans...led the crowd t...
Ryki Okrzeja We headed to Żelechów, be...
Nowy Sacz Nowy Sacz Before breakfast two Jews...
Nowy Sacz Nowy Sacz That day at Gwardyjska St...
Nowy Sącz Nowy Sącz On 29 April, members of t...
Yarychiv Rymanów [...] took 14 Jews in a c...