
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Vilnius Vilnius Some Jews were hiding in ...
Bialystok Grabówka Since 1941, in Zielona an...
Vilnius between Vilnius and Trakai Continuing our journey wi...
Będzin Będzin [...] On the next day, th...
Będzin Będzin Charred corpses were buri...
Myory Krokowka Forest I visited a mass grave o...
Będzin Będzin In the evening of 9 Septe...
Będzin Będzin In the dusk of 9 Septembe...
Wolbrom Wolbrom 5 December 1942 near Wolb...
Równe Równe In the summer of 1942, 25...
Przemyśl Przemyśl In this case, the Gestapo...
Przemyśl Przemyśl In the end of 1941 and in...
Przemyśl Przemyśl That time, Gestapo stoppe...
Przemyśl Przemyśl the sick and the old were...
Przemyśl Przemyśl During the action in Nove...
Przemysl Bakowczyce 650 Jews of the technical...
Przemysl Medyka 650 Jews of the technical...
Horodok Gródek Jagielloński [Franz Weiskind] [...] I...
Horodok Gródek Jagielloński at the end of July of tha...
Horodok Horodok The first action took pla...
Przemyśl Przemyśl On 1-2 September 1943 the...
Przemyśl Przemyśl Germans received informat...
Przemysl Przemysl A few days later (...) N...
Vawkavysk Vawkavysk The dead were buried in t...
Włodzimierz Wołyński Włodzimierz Wołyński Around 1,200 Jews were or...