
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Ustrzyki Dolne Berehy At night they were taken ...
Spytkowice Camp Zator The bodies were transport...
Trzcianne Trzcianne The execution took place ...
Serniki [Pińsk municipality] Serniki [Pińsk municipality] Around 40 children under ...
Kołaczyce Kołaczyce Apart from Szebnie, execu...
Wysocko Wysocko Indeed, on 8/9 September ...
Skhidnytsia, Drohobych county Skhidnytsia All women were gathered o...
Skhidnytsia, Drohobych county Skhidnytsia [...] Next, Ukrainians g...
Minsk Minsk Rübe had chosen 13 most b...
Krzeszów, Biłgoraj county Chojniak All the Jews from the pri...
Minsk (Belarus) Minsk The infamous exterminatio...
Tłuste, Chortkiv county Tłuste Through the window I saw ...
Kołaczyce Kowalowy near Krosno From Jodłowa, where a sma...
Narayiv vicinity [Berezhany county, Ternopil voivodeship] Narayiv vicinity [Berezhany county, Ternopil voivodeship] 16 March 1944 Bandera fol...
Jedlinsk, Radom County Jadlinsk During the summer of 1942...
Wysock Wysock On the sands near the tow...
Baranovichi (Jews from Czechoslovakia) Baranovichi Several transports of Cze...
Ryki Okrzeja We headed to Żelechów, be...
Bobrka and Chlebowice Bobrka and Chlebowice Ukrainians, on their way ...
Bobowa Bobowa 30 Jews were arrested. 8...
Bobowa Bobowa A few of the Jews tried t...
Kolbuszowa Kolbuszowa On 28 April 1942, 4 Gesta...
Ashmyany Oszmiana Bartele On 25 July 1941 [...] 12 ...
Borowa Borowa On 25 June 1943, we were ...
Chortkiv Yahilnytsya In the summer 1943 the ca...