
Where vicitims are from, last know location Spytkowice Camp
Town/county where mass grave is located Zator
Mass Grave Location Jewish cemetery in Zator
Date of Murder
Numer of Victims
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony The bodies were transported to a town called Zator and buried there in a Jewish cemetery. At the beginning, the bodies were buried in the woods near the camp. However, when the Jewish Vorsteher (chief officer) found out that there was a Jewish cemetery in Zator, he wrote to Central Office in Sosnowiec and asked them to obtain a permission from the German authorities to bury the bodies in the cemetery in that town. Soon the permission was granted. The two bodies that had been buried in the woods were dug out and transported to the cemetery in town. [the author describes an execution in the camp, others might have as well starved in the camp or die of some diseases]
Testimony Number 301/929
page in longer testimony page 2
Date of Testimony Bendzin 1945
Name of Witness Erna Tuchsznajder
Current Country Poland