
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Rzeszow Rudna In the woods in Rudna, be...
Kobierzyn, Krakow Kobierzyn During the liquidation of...
Lodz (Łagiewniki neighborhood) Lodz (Łagiewniki neighborhood) I heard them telling her ...
Vilnius Czerwony Dwor One day in the fall of th...
Lipnica Murowana, Bochnia county. Lipnica At the end of August 1942...
Dolina (Jews from Hungary) Dolina Around 300 people managed...
Spytkowice Camp Zator The bodies were transport...
Kłomnice Radom Jews from Kłomnica were q...
Biała Niżna Biała Niżna In 1942 Jews from Biała N...
Mszana Dolna Mszana Dolna Gestapo officers came to ...
Mszana Dolna Mszana Dolna In Mszana I saw a hill wh...
Mszana Dolna Olszyny On 19 August 1942, an "ac...
Krzeszów, Biłgoraj county Chojniak All the Jews from the pri...
Charsznica vicinity [Miechów county] Chodorow On 29 August [1942] an ac...
Aleksandria, Równe Śmieć In Śmieć, 2 km outside th...
Lvov Janow [1943] The worst and the ...
Grodno Grodno From Augustów we went to ...
Równe Sosenki After the first mass murd...
Lublin Nowy Krepiece [April, 1941] "After thre...
Rovno Kostopil The final liquidation of ...
Nadworna "Bukowina" forest In the fall of 1941, duri...
Równe Równe Everyone who was caught w...
Równe Równe In the summer of 1942, 25...
Ołyka Olyka In Ołyka [...] all Jews w...
Łęczna Łęczna In November [1942] [...] ...