
Where vicitims are from, last know location Lodz (Łagiewniki neighborhood)
Town/county where mass grave is located Lodz (Łagiewniki neighborhood)
Mass Grave Location Łagiewniki in the forest later exhumed and reburied in the Łagiewniki Catholic cemetery
Date of Murder 1939 November
Numer of Victims 24
Names of Victims Mentioned Dr Margulis
Full Testimony I heard them telling her [...] they participated in the execution of 24 Jews, involved in politics. The execution took place in Łagiewniki. From all the executed I remembered only one name of Dr Margulis, whom I knew, as I had been working with him for 10 years in the hospital in Radogoszcz [...] Later I learnt from my neighbours in Łagiewniki that those 24 executed people were buried in the ditch by the forest, in the place of their execution. I told my wife and daughter about it and together we went to see that grave. They were buried in a shallow ditch. We could still see their feet. They were buried in a way that one was laying on top of another, with head placed on the legs of the person below. Above that provisional grave a pole was placed with a plate saying: „24 Jude politisch”. I went to see the grave and the plate in the first week after their execution - more or less in November 1939; after the liberation a Prosecutor arrived and ordered to exhume their bodies. [...] The remains of the convicts were put into coffins and followed to the Catholic cemetery in Łagiewniki, where they were buried in a mass grave.
Testimony Number 301/2506
page in longer testimony page 1
Date of Testimony Łódź, 24 June 1947
Name of Witness Antoni Słomczykowski
Current Country Poland