
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Kovel Maniewicze he spoke about a Jewish m...
Kovel Kovel 4 June 1942] "On that day...
Dubno Dubno [May 1942] "Germans gave ...
Ashmyany Oszmiana Bartele On 25 July 1941 [...] 12 ...
Ashmyany Oszmiana Bartla village [...] all 1,200 of men we...
Łuck Łuck All the people gathered n...
Goniądz Goniądz Last days of June 1941, G...
Goniądz Berezhany Tykocin May 1944, Goniądz, […] 5 ...
Węgrów Węgrów The search for Jews in th...
Łańcut Łańcut One day in winter [1941/1...
Łańcut Łańcut My parents and my three b...
Kielce Kielce The Germans put the docto...
Kielce Kielce On 31 May 1943 soldiers c...
Łachwa Łachwa Groups of Jews were caugh...
Łochwa Łochwa Groups of Jews were caugh...
Łomża Łomża After 25 June 1941, peopl...
Radom Radom I lived near a Jewish bat...
Radom Radom 1943] "Germans used many ...
Radom Radom In 1944, they took the re...
Lublin Niemce One night Gestapo surroun...
Niemce village Niemce village [January 1940] In countes...
Radom Radom Another group of 40, incl...
Radom Szydłowiec I witnessed an execution ...
Ostrów Mazowiecka Ostrów Mazowiecka On 10 October [1939] they...
Ostrow Mazowiecka Ostrow Mazowiecka Old and sick people along...