
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Niemysłowice, Prudnik county Laki fields In January 1945 I learnt ...
Konin Konin Konin - 1500 Jews in the ...
Radymno [Jarosław county] Radymno [Jarosław county] Apart from that, Gestapo ...
Kalush Kalush [July 1941] [the Germans...
Kalush Kalush My father and I ran away ...
Kalush Kalush Around 500 Jews were exec...
Czestochowa (Hasag) Czestochowa At first, on the premises...
Kalush Kalush At the beginning of 1942 ...
Druya Druya I heard that a similar th...
Piaski Czechówka In the evening of the sa...
Piaski Czechówka On 28 March another 240 J...
Biala Podlaska Biala Podlaska [25/26 September 1942] Al...
Iwje Staniewice In the autumn of 1941 the...
Iwje Iwje After some time, the Germ...
Iwje Staniewice On 11 May [1942] 120 peop...
Warsaw Warsaw [July 1943?] Before the l...
Ostrów Mazowiecka Ostrów Mazowiecka On 10 October [1939] they...
Wieliczka Roznowa Already on first day afte...
Jaworów Kurzawce After 8 days, 13 Jews fro...
Lubartow (Jews from Markuszewo) Lubartow [1942] One day, when goin...
Tykocin Łopuchowo They gathered all Jews fr...
Kozienice Kozienice [after the liquidation ac...
Ostrow Mazowiecka Ostrow Mazowiecka Old and sick people along...
Rzeszow Glogow They were taken to the fo...
Rzeszow Glogow About 3,000 elderly and s...