Additional Possible Matches
Click a row to see the full testimony details.
Where Victims Are From |
Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located |
Testimony |
Manevychi |
Manevychi |
The priest told him the w... |
Kozia Gora |
Kozia Gora |
Each executions was prece... |
Wierzbnik, Starachowice |
Wierzbnik, Starachowice |
On 18 April 1945, while d... |
Częstochowa |
Częstochowa |
[23 September 1942] Germa... |
Wysokie Litewskie |
Wysokie Litewskie |
Later, they started to ga... |
Tarnow |
Zbylitowska Góra |
Thursday was the third da... |
Zmigrod |
Halbowa |
On 7 July 1942 Germans ga... |
Ołyka |
Olyka |
In Ołyka [...] all Jews w... |
Tarnow |
Tarnow |
[24 June 1942] A terrifyi... |
Nowy Sącz |
Rabka |
The second action took pl... |
Demfeld - near Lvov |
Demfeld - near Lvov |
Next action took place on... |
Nowy Cacz |
Nowy Cacz |
Germans...led the crowd t... |
Nowy Sacz |
Nowy Sacz |
Before breakfast two Jews... |
Tarnow |
Tarnow |
At 8 o'clock we saw a car... |
Nowy Sacz |
Nowy Sacz |
That day at Gwardyjska St... |
Grybow |
Grybow |
On Thursday, the 21st, it... |
Kolomyja |
Szeparowice |
On the night of Hoshana R... |
Kolomyja |
Szeparowice |
In the mid November, on a... |
Plebanowka, Terebovlia |
Plebanowka, Terebovlia |
A week after entering, 40... |
Plebanowka, Terebovlia |
Plebanowka |
People were being dragged... |
Tarnów |
Tarnów |
The first victim, a woman... |
Biecz |
Biecz |
In August [1942] another ... |
Gliniany |
Gliniany |
Militia officers, who cau... |
Nowy Sącz |
Nowy Sącz |
On 29 April, members of t... |
Tarnow |
Tarnow |
[June 1942] Some sick, el... |