
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Białystok Grabówka In late Autumn 1943, a ma...
Dolyna near Ivano-Frankivsk Dolyna On Sunday, 3 August 1942,...
Równe Równe Everyone who was caught w...
Praszka Praszka Before the harvest, the G...
Szebnie (Jews from Tarnow) Szebnie "120 people got to Szebni...
Vilnius Vilnius Some Jews were hiding in ...
Suprasl Suprasl 19 August 1941, the woods...
Jasionówka Jasionówka 25 January 1943, Jasionów...
Jasionówka Jasionówka 2 August 1942, Jasionówka...
Bialystok Grabówka Since 1941, in Zielona an...
Supraśl Supraśl 19 August 1942 people we...
Jasionówka Jasionówka On 2 August 1942 11 peopl...
Wołomin Wołomin "On the day of ghetto liq...
Jaslo, Krosno Brzozów Another time we were take...
Jaslo, Krosno Krempna After a few days, they to...
Ternopil Ternopil In the summer of 1942, in...
Braslaw Braslaw [1942] I left the town an...
Myory Krokowka Forest I visited a mass grave o...
Wierzbnik, Starachowice Wierzbnik, Starachowice On 18 April 1945, while d...
Povors'k. Povors'k. That day, in the evening,...
Wolbrom Wolbrom 5 December 1942 near Wolb...
Równe Równe In the summer of 1942, 25...
Rzezawa (Jews from Brzesko?) Rzezawa In 1942, in late August, ...
Brzesko (Jews from Zakliczyn) Brzesko In Brzesko, in the Jewish...
Breslaw Breslaw Once all the Jews gathere...