Mass Grave Database - Based On Early Testemonies <<< New Search Additional Possible Matches Click a row to see the full testimony details. Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony peremyshliany peremyshliany On 4 July, i.e. on Friday... Kalush Kalush [July 1941] [the Germans... Kalush Kalush My father and I ran away ... Kalush Kalush Around 500 Jews were exec... Kalush Kalush At the beginning of 1942 ... Kamianka-Buzka Obydiv On November 10, 1941 in a... Żmigród Żmigród Apart from Szebnie, execu... Suchedniów Suchedniów 50 bodies were transporte... Grybow Grybow On Thursday, the 21st, it... Wolbrom Olkusz The Germans kindly announ... Skidel Skidel We were driven to Skidel ... Siedlce Siedlce In the period of 1941-194... Siedlce Siedlce The invaders were buildin... Bialystok Skidel When men from another vil... Wolbrom Wolbrom 5 December 1942 near Wolb... Kolomnyja? Szeparowce Jews gathered in the pris... Frysztak Warzyckie woods On 2 July 1942 all Jews l... Wlodawa Wlodawa Great sadness came to our... Buchach Buchach [1943] I went out on the ... Buchach Buchach [August 1941] A month lat... Buchach Buchach The third action took pla... Zambrów Zambrów Members of Judenrat were ... Buchach Buchach In August 1941 it was ord... Bialystok Nowosiolki On 15th April 1942 a grea... Sosnowiec Sosnowiec remaining Jews who preten... Page 32 | Additional Possible Matches >>>