
Where vicitims are from, last know location Buchach
Town/county where mass grave is located Buchach
Mass Grave Location originally near a brook later exhumed and moved elsewhere - Jewish cemetery?
Date of Murder 1943 March
Numer of Victims 2800
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony The third action took place unexpectedly in March 1943. [...] 80 Jews were chosen from the people gathered on the market and ordered to dig pits. They were killed first. [...] 2,800 Jews were killed during that action. A brook flowing near the pit where the Jews were buried got contaminated. The Jews who survived the third action had to unearth those pits and move the bodies to a different place.
Testimony Number 301/327
page in longer testimony page 2
Date of Testimony 1945
Name of Witness Izaak Szwarc
Current Country Ukraine