
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Łomża Łomża After 25 June 1941, peopl...
Ternopil Janówka On Easter Eve, in March 1...
Ternopil Janowka In March 1942 Germans ann...
Terebovl Plebanowka village [3 June 1943] Germans and...
Falenica Falenica On 7 May 1943 at 5 a.m., ...
Frysztak Warzyckie woods On 2 July 1942 all Jews l...
Dynow Dynow In Dynów, Germans took 25...
Ashmyany Zyalyonki In the autumn of 1942 eld...
Dynow Dynow [...] After a few hours J...
peremyshliany Brzezina Forest Next day, on 5 October 19...
Rzeszów Zaczernie Forest In August 1942, Jews were...
Przemyśl Grabowce maybe Grochwce Jewish Cemetery? [28 July 1942] Gestapo me...
Tykocin Tykocin (Lupachowa) In August 1941 all Jews h...
Augustów Augustów Three days later we were ...
Jaworów Jaworów On 26/27 June 1941, after...
Jaworów Jaworów Women and children from t...
Rzezawa Brzesko Report of the exhumation ...
Dęblin Dęblin On 15 October  on the ord...
Dęblin Dęblin From November 1941 to Sep...
Dęblin Bobrowniki From November 1941 to Sep...
Augustów Augustów In the mid May 1944, our ...
Brzesko Rzezawa In the summer, the grave ...
Lancut Albigowa 8 km from ‎Łańcut, in the...
Lancut Albigowa The other grave is also i...
Borowna Borowna In August 1942, the famil...