
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Świerżeń Świerżeń I came to Novy Svyerzhan ...
Świerżeń Świerżeń The second action. Men we...
Łuniniec Łuniniec They did the same thing i...
Ostrów Mazowiecka Ostrów Mazowiecka On 10 October [1939] they...
Spytkowice Camp Zator The bodies were transport...
Ternopil Ternopil On 8th and 9th [July 1941...
Ternopil Janowka camp In March [1942] Germans d...
Ternopil Ternopil On 23rd March 1942 in Zba...
Debica (Jews from Radomysl) Wolica The rest of the women and...
Gorlice (mostly Jews brought from Bobowa, Biecz, Rzepiennik Strzyżykowski) Strozowka Jews were also brought fr...
Brzezany Potutory At around 3 a.m., the vic...
Zabierzow Skawina Germans transported those...
Przemysl Krutel 650 Jews of the technical...
Rejowiec Rejowiec When everyone was already...
Rejowiec Rejowiec There were constant actio...
Pełkinie Pełkinie At the Pełkinie camp a se...
Łańcut Łańcut However, it was quite com...
Łańcut Łańcut Later I learnt that my au...
Kraśnik Kraśnik The rest, in rows of five...
Skawina Skawina In 1943 I was living in S...
Jaworów Jaworów On 26/27 June 1941, after...
Jaworów Kurzawce After 8 days, 13 Jews fro...
Jaworów Jaworów Women and children from t...
Łańcut Łańcut After the action in Łańcu...
Zborów Zborów On the next day, after th...