Mass Grave Database - Based On Early Testemonies <<< New Search Additional Possible Matches Click a row to see the full testimony details. Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony Ivano-Frankivsk Uhryniv On 1 August 1941 the Germ... Radomyśl Wielki. Radomyśl Wielki. In June 1942, German gend... Slonim Slonim Gloomy news about killing... Konin Konin Konin - 1500 Jews in the ... Slonim Slonim The first slaughter in Sł... Slobodka (Hungarian Jews) Kamianets-Podilskyi Information on the massac... Minsk Minsk Rübe had chosen 13 most b... Jasionówka Jasionówka 25 January 1943, Jasionów... Jasionówka Jasionówka 2 August 1942, Jasionówka... Jasionówka Jasionówka On 2 August 1942 11 peopl... Gronow Gronow We were taken to Augustów... Żmigród Żmigród Apart from Szebnie, execu... Kolbuszowa Kolbuszowa On 28 April 1942, 4 Gesta... Kolbuszowa Glogow village Transportations from Rzes... Sambir Sambir [14 April 1943] That day ... Sambir Sambir There were four massive b... Sambir Sambir On the same day, 30 June ... Sambir Sambir During the second action,... Sambir Sambir During the action, which ... Sambir Sambir In early November 1942 Ga... Równe Równe Everyone who was caught w... kolodenka Rowne In the fall of 1942 (...)... Lublin Voivodeship Lublin Voivodeship Next chapter of this horr... Równe Równe In the summer of 1942, 25... Zmigrod Halbowa On 7 July 1942 Germans ga... Page 36 | Additional Possible Matches >>>