Mass Grave Database - Based On Early Testemonies <<< New Search Additional Possible Matches Click a row to see the full testimony details. Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony Bełżyce Bełżyce Before we were transporte... Zabierzow Skawina Germans transported those... Kisielow and Borowce Kisielow and Borowce In the villages located o... Kisielow and Borowce Horodenka a few hundred were drive... Bełżyce Bełżyce In October (or September ... Bierzanów, Krakow Bierzanów A year later we had our o... Bierzanów, Krakow Plaszow A year later we had our o... Braslaw Braslaw [1942] I left the town an... Pruzhany Lachi Forest Immediately after the Ger... Kruszyna, Radom county Bierwce Alongside a railway pierc... Breslaw Breslaw Once all the Jews gathere... Borshchiv Borshchiv 8 actions took place in B... Borshchiv Borshchiv After the action, they ga... Wielicka Puszcza Niepolomicka Judenrat in Wieliczka, or... Korzec Kozaki The action in Korzec took... Warsaw Warsaw [July 1943?] Before the l... Jaslo (nearby Szebnie Concentration Camp) Bierowka Szebnie torture camp was ... Wieliczka Roznowa Already on first day afte... Bialystok Pietraze After four months of Germ... Bialystok Pietrasze 200 people were selected ... Bialystok Pietrasze 5,000 Jews were gathered ... Nadarzyn Rozalin village In Rozalin village, Młoch... Frysztak Warzyce, near Jaslo The first action n Fryszt... Busk Busk Yom Kippur of 1942 was on... Busk Busk [1943] Before noon all ho... Page 4 | Additional Possible Matches >>>