
Additional Possible Matches

Click a row to see the full testimony details.

Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Nadvirna Nadvirna My mummy was caught along...
Chelm Chelm On the premises of the ca...
Zambrów Zambrów Members of Judenrat were ...
Bobrka Bobrka During that night 63 peop...
Sambor Kadłów After two weeks time the ...
Zolochiv Zolochiv On 30 June, the Germans e...
Łódź Łódź [summer 1942] Those dragg...
Buchach Buchach [1943] I went out on the ...
Buchach Buchach [August 1941] A month lat...
Buchach Buchach The third action took pla...
Buchach Buchach In August 1941 it was ord...
Buchach Buchach [September 1941] Over 400...
Buchach Buchach [September 1941] Soon aft...
Buchach Buchach The "Action" started on 2...
Buchach Buchach [April 1943] The Gestapo ...
Buchach Tsvitova [May 1943] From the hidin...
Buchach Monasterzyska [1944] "about 600 people ...
Buchach Buchach [1943] I survived all act...
Buchach Buchach [...] In November 1943 a...
Buchach Buchach After a month, another ac...
Buchach Buchach The second action took pl...
Buchach Buchach He arrested 54 people, in...
Buchach Buchach On 27 August 1941 four Ge...
Buchach Fedor In the morning of 4 Febru...
Buchach Buchach On 12 June 1943 a liquida...