Mass Grave Database - Based On Early Testemonies <<< New Search Additional Possible Matches Click a row to see the full testimony details. Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony Równe Równe Everyone who was caught w... Trawniki Trawniki On 3 November - after the... Będzin Będzin [...] On the next day, th... Będzin Będzin Charred corpses were buri... Wołomin Wołomin "On the day of ghetto liq... Włoszczowa Włoszczowa They were usually dying i... Siedliszcze Siedliszcze The Nazis buried the exec... Karczew Tarczew When we arrived at the ou... Myory Krokowka Forest I visited a mass grave o... Povors'k. Povors'k. That day, in the evening,... Będzin Będzin In the evening of 9 Septe... Będzin Będzin In the dusk of 9 Septembe... Równe Równe In the summer of 1942, 25... Parczew Parczew The chairman of the Jewis... Łańcut Łańcut One day in winter [1941/1... Łańcut Łańcut My parents and my three b... Krakow Niepołomice In summer 1942 and 1943 g... Zmigrod Halbowa On 7 July 1942 Germans ga... Skarzysko Kamienna Blizyn Bodies of 1200 Jews who s... Stryj Grabowiec Stryjski In July 1941 Germans ente... Kołaczyce Kołaczyce Apart from Szebnie, execu... Przemyśl Przemyśl In this case, the Gestapo... Przemyśl Przemyśl In the end of 1941 and in... Przemyśl Przemyśl That time, Gestapo stoppe... Przemyśl Przemyśl the sick and the old were... Page 32 | Additional Possible Matches >>>