
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Bierzanów, Krakow Plaszow A year later we had our o...
Pruzhany Lachi Forest Immediately after the Ger...
Bocnia Gromada Paczków In July 1943 Jews from th...
Jaslo (Szebnie Concentration Camp) Dobrucowa Szebnie torture camp was ...
Przemyśl Przemyśl In this case, the Gestapo...
Przemyśl Przemyśl In the end of 1941 and in...
Przemyśl Przemyśl That time, Gestapo stoppe...
Przemyśl Przemyśl the sick and the old were...
Przemyśl Przemyśl During the action in Nove...
Gorlice (mostly Jews brought from Bobowa, Biecz, Rzepiennik Strzyżykowski) Strozowka Jews were also brought fr...
Przemysl Pralkowce 650 Jews of the technical...
Przemysl Krutel 650 Jews of the technical...
Przemysl Bakowczyce 650 Jews of the technical...
Przemysl Medyka 650 Jews of the technical...
Peremyshliany Peremyshliany [May 1943] Germans and Uk...
Tomaszow Mazowiecki (Jews mostly from the ghetto but also including several dozen Jews brought from Rawa Mazowiecka and Biala Rawska) Tomaszow Mazowiecki October 1942: During the ...
Przemyśl Przemyśl On 1-2 September 1943 the...
Przemyśl Przemyśl Germans received informat...
peremyshliany peremyshliany On 4 July, i.e. on Friday...
Przemysl Przemysl A few days later (...) N...
Medyka near Przemyśl (Jews from neighbouring villages (now located on the USRR's lands) and those living in Medyka (7 families) Medyka I hereby declare I am awa...
Przemyśl Przemyśl On 3 September 1943, Germ...
Peremyshliany - Neben camp [Ternopil voivodeship] Peremyshliany - Neben camp [Ternopil voivodeship] 28 June 1943 liquidation ...
Peremyshliany vicinity [Ternopil voivodeship] - Jews from neighboring villages Peremyshliany vicinity [Ternopil voivodeship] We were in Peremyshliany ...
Przemyśl Grabowce maybe Grochwce Jewish Cemetery? [28 July 1942] Gestapo me...