
Additional Possible Matches

Click a row to see the full testimony details.

Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Braslaw Braslaw [1942] I left the town an...
Breslaw Breslaw Once all the Jews gathere...
Sasiv Sasiv In general, 20-25 Jews di...
Sasiv Sasiv In general, 20-25 Jews di...
Nadvirna Nadvirna My mummy was caught along...
Kolomyja Szeparowice On the night of Hoshana R...
Kolomyja Szeparowice In the mid November, on a...
Rzepiennik Strzyzewski Rzepiennik Strzyzewski [12 September 1942] At 3 ...
Zambrów Zambrów Members of Judenrat were ...
Tomaszow Mazowiecki Tomaszow Mazowiecki One evening, the entire i...
Tomaszow Mazowiecki Tomaszow Mazowiecki In November 1941 the so-...
Tomaszow Mazowiecki Tomaszow Mazowiecki And again, after a few mo...
Grybow Grybow On Thursday, the 21st, it...
Przemysl Pralkowce 650 Jews of the technical...
Stryj Stryj 22 June 1943 action in "A...
Stryj Stryj Germans celebrated the fi...
Stryj Stryj They took about 1,000 peo...
Stryj Stryj On 22 July 1943 [...] 700...
Stryj Stryj [1942] "Every four weeks ...
Stryj Stryj [1943] My friends and I h...
Stryj Stryj During the extermination ...
Żmigród Żmigród Apart from Szebnie, execu...
Świerżeń Świerżeń I came to Novy Svyerzhan ...
Świerżeń Świerżeń The second action. Men we...
Jordanow Jordanow Once they were there, chi...