Mass Grave Database - Based On Early Testemonies <<< New Search Additional Possible Matches Click a row to see the full testimony details. Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony Biłgoraj Biłgoraj Once they killed the watc... Jaworów Jaworów [1941] Execution of 12 [.... Ternopil Petrykowo [July 1943] The Jews were... Brzezany Potutory At around 3 a.m., the vic... Teropil Petrykow In January 1943 they star... Rohatyn Rohatyn On Sunday morning Gestapo... Trzebinia Trzebinia [September, 1939] Germans... Trzebinia Trzebinia All Jews gathered in scho... Trzebinia Jaworzno All Jews gathered in scho... Kamianka-Buzka Kamianka-Buzka In the evening, Ukrainian... Kamianka-Buzka Kamianka-Buzka [November, 1941] An orde... Ivano-Frankivsk Uhryniv On 1 August 1941 the Germ... Piotrkow Trybunalski Piotrkow Trybunalski Those who [...] were caug... Zaburzany Zaburzany The pits-graves had alrea... Trawniki Trawniki On 3 November - after the... Ternopil Petryków [June 1943] This group of... Grodno Grodno From Augustów we went to ... Wlodawa Wlodawa Great sadness came to our... Dęblin Dęblin On 15 October on the ord... Dęblin Dęblin From November 1941 to Sep... Dęblin Bobrowniki From November 1941 to Sep... Jordanow Jordanow Once they were there, chi... Jordanow Jordanow In the fall, when it got ... Boryslav Boryslav [15 February 1943] 600 pe... Boryslav Boryslav All of the actions - ther... Page 38 | Additional Possible Matches >>>