Additional Possible Matches
Click a row to see the full testimony details.
Where Victims Are From |
Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located |
Testimony |
Skarzysko Kamienna |
Blizyn |
Bodies of 1200 Jews who s... |
Biala Podlaska |
Biala Podlaska |
[25/26 September 1942] Al... |
Będzin |
Będzin |
At the beginning of Septe... |
Będzin |
Slawkow (Bedzin?) |
[autumn 1939] One of my s... |
Augustów |
Augustów |
Three days later we were ... |
Baranovichi (Jews from Czechoslovakia) |
Baranovichi |
Several transports of Cze... |
Wieliczka |
Wieliczka |
The hospital "liquidation... |
Wieliczka |
Wieliczka |
Next day [1 August 1942] ... |
Parczew |
Parczew |
In mid-September 1942, th... |
Łomża |
Łomża |
After 25 June 1941, peopl... |
Łomża |
Gielczyn |
One evening the Germans t... |
Łomża |
Gielczyn |
The ghetto in Łomża exis... |
Kobryn (Jews also from Bialowieza) |
Stragowa village |
Panzer demanded 200 sick ... |
Bedzin |
Bedzin |
On Saturday, 9th Septembe... |
Ryki |
Deblin |
They were all herded to t... |
Ryki |
Okrzeja |
We headed to Żelechów, be... |
Bochnia |
Bochnia |
Near ghetto A, Germans dr... |
Krzemieniec |
Maczkowa valley |
Next day, I learned about... |
Sasow |
Sasow |
At the same time, there w... |
Bolechów |
Bolechów |
"On 3rd, 4th and 5th Sept... |
Zabłotów |
Zabłotów |
In November 1941 Gestapo ... |
Jasło |
Szebnie |
4km outside of Jasło, in ... |
Leczna |
Leczna |
At the end of February or... |
Leczna |
Leczna |
one evening, in August [1... |
Leczna |
Leczna |
On 11 November 1942 SS so... |