
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Skarzysko Kamienna Blizyn Bodies of 1200 Jews who s...
Biala Podlaska Biala Podlaska [25/26 September 1942] Al...
Będzin Będzin At the beginning of Septe...
Będzin Slawkow (Bedzin?) [autumn 1939] One of my s...
Augustów Augustów Three days later we were ...
Baranovichi (Jews from Czechoslovakia) Baranovichi Several transports of Cze...
Wieliczka Wieliczka The hospital "liquidation...
Wieliczka Wieliczka Next day [1 August 1942] ...
Parczew Parczew In mid-September 1942, th...
Łomża Łomża After 25 June 1941, peopl...
Łomża Gielczyn One evening the Germans t...
Łomża Gielczyn The ghetto in ‎Łomża exis...
Kobryn (Jews also from Bialowieza) Stragowa village Panzer demanded 200 sick ...
Bedzin Bedzin On Saturday, 9th Septembe...
Ryki Deblin They were all herded to t...
Ryki Okrzeja We headed to Żelechów, be...
Bochnia Bochnia Near ghetto A, Germans dr...
Krzemieniec Maczkowa valley Next day, I learned about...
Sasow Sasow At the same time, there w...
Bolechów Bolechów "On 3rd, 4th and 5th Sept...
Zabłotów Zabłotów In November 1941 Gestapo ...
Jasło Szebnie 4km outside of Jasło, in ...
Leczna Leczna At the end of February or...
Leczna Leczna one evening, in August [1...
Leczna Leczna On 11 November 1942 SS so...