
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Skawina Tyniec Tyniec The Germans had been taki...
Tyniec near Skawina Tyniec near Skawina This platoon conducted th...
Chortkiv Basiówka [25 July 1941] SS and Ukr...
Lutsk Górka Połonka Early in the morning on 2...
Brzozów near Sanok Brzozów on 10th August 1942 peopl...
Sanok (Jews from Orelec, Olszanica and Stefkowa) Olszanica and Stefkowa By the road between Olsza...
Sanok (Jews from Orelec, Olszanica and Stefkowa?) Rudenka A similar, but smaller gr...
Biala Podlaska Biala Podlaska [25/26 September 1942] Al...
Jaslo (Szebnie Concentration Camp) Dobrucowa Szebnie torture camp was ...
Jaslo (nearby Szebnie Concentration Camp) Bierowka Szebnie torture camp was ...
Jaslo Jaslo In the Gestapo headquarte...
Frysztak Warzyce, near Jaslo The first action n Fryszt...
Kołaczyce Podzamcze, Jaslo county A mass grave with Jews mu...
Jaslo, Krosno Sieklówka forest When we got to Warzyce, w...
Jaslo, Krosno Rzepiennik near Tuchów On the third day, we were...
Jaslo, Krosno Brzozów Another time we were take...
Jaslo, Krosno Krempna After a few days, they to...
Jaslo, Krosno Jodlowa Another "trip", this time...
Jaslo Warzyce After some time, we were ...
Proszowice Proszowice [March 1943] The Jews wer...
Krakow (Jews from Liszki, Czernichów, Krzeszowice, Tenczyn and Nowa Góa) Tyniec First bigger action of "J...
Hrubieszów Hrubieszów Until 28 October 1942, th...
Rzeszów Głogów Małopolski Glogow Malopolski The older Jews and the si...
Suchedniów Brzeście near Bliżyn The first execution of th...
Rzeszów Nowa Wies near Kolbuszowa On Rosh Hashanah, 200 Jew...