Mass Grave Database - Based On Early Testemonies <<< New Search Additional Possible Matches Click a row to see the full testimony details. Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony Terebovl Plebanowka On 7 April 1943 the secon... Terebovl Plebanowka On 3 June 1943 the third ... Radom Radom 1943] "Germans used many ... Radom Radom In 1944, they took the re... Tarnow Tarnow [Rommelman] ordered every... Sambir Sambir [14 April 1943] That day ... Sambir Sambir There were four massive b... Sambir Sambir On the same day, 30 June ... Sambir Sambir During the second action,... Sambir Sambir During the action, which ... Sambir Sambir In early November 1942 Ga... Radom Radom Another group of 40, incl... Tarnow Tarnow All were gathered on the ... Tarnow Tarnow During the displacement m... Tarnow Tarnow That is how he [Goeth] ki... Tarnow Tarnow In April 1942 Jews where ... Tarnow Tarnow [10 June 1942] some of th... Tarnow Tarnow On 10 September 1942 anot... Tarnow Tarnow [2 September 1943] Everyb... Tarnów Tarnów Later, we received inform... Tarnow Tarnow [11 June 1942] [...] then... Tarnow Tarnow [June 1942] I was sitting... Tarnów Tarnow That is how the first res... Tarnow Tarnow Some time later a shootin... Tarnow Tarnow [Second resettlement] Tha... Page 38 | Additional Possible Matches >>>