
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Stryj Holobutiv Forest In July 1941, when German...
Stryj Holobutiv On 28 February 1943, 1,30...
Stryj Holobutiv 5 June 1943, during liqui...
Stryj Holobutiv 25 July 1943 the last cam...
Stryj Holobutow In Sep1941, the first ext...
Tyniec near Krakow Tyniec Jews were later taken to ...
Krakow Plazsow On the first day of work,...
Nowosiółki near Białystok Grabówka On 21 November 1943, over...
Augustów Augustów In the mid May 1944, our ...
Nowosiółki near Białystok Nowosiółki On 15 June 1944 we were t...
Nowosiółki Nowosiółki The place of mass executi...
Rabka Tereska People were gathered acco...
Szebnia Tarkowice, Krakow voivodeship- Jasło county the remaining 400 Jews we...
Brzesko Brzesko In the summer, the grave ...
Słonim Petlorowska Góra Szwed Bazyli (a member of...
Nieśwież Nieśwież On 30 October 1941 Jews, ...
Nieśwież Wojtkowszczyzna On 30 October 1941 Jews, ...
Bialystok Nowosiołki The place of mass executi...
Varkovychi, Dubno county Warkowicze The ghetto in Warkowicze ...
Kalisz Kalisz 400 Jews were left after ...
Krakow Borek Fałęcki (currently in Krakow) [2 May 1943 - liquidation...
Pełkinie [Jarosław county] Pełkinie [Jarosław county] Old people were loaded on...
Radymno [Jarosław county] Radymno [Jarosław county] Apart from that, Gestapo ...
Krakow Niepołomice In summer 1942 and 1943 g...
Kobierzyn, Krakow Kobierzyn During the liquidation of...