Mass Grave Database - Based On Early Testemonies <<< New Search Additional Possible Matches Click a row to see the full testimony details. Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony Słomniki Słomniki We spent 4 days on wetlan... Słomniki. Słomniki. [September 1942] After th... Słomniki. Niedźwiecki forest Another mass grave is loc... Mińsk Mazowiecki Mińsk Mazowiecki Bodies of the executed Je... Mińsk Mazowiecki Mińsk Mazowiecki Bodies of the executed Je... Mielec Berdechów Malopolski On 8 September 1939 [...]... Tykocin Łopuchowo They gathered all Jews fr... Dębica Dębica When I arrived at the cam... Dębica Dębica Once, by accident, I witn... Mielec Berdechow The displacement from Mie... Chortkiv Basiówka [25 July 1941] SS and Ukr... Augustow (Belarusians, Poles, Jews) Augustow We were taken to Augustów... Zambrów Zambrów Members of Judenrat were ... Radomysl Wielki Radomysl Wielki On Sunday, 19th July 1942... Lublin Lubartow Germans took everyone fro... Kolomyja Szeparowice On the night of Hoshana R... Kolomyja Szeparowice In the mid November, on a... Teropil Petrykow In January 1943 they star... Falenica Falenica On 7 May 1943 at 5 a.m., ... Radomyśl Wielki. Radomyśl Wielki. In June 1942, German gend... Malaszewicze camp Malaszewicze camp Mass murders of Jews held... Przemysl Medyka 650 Jews of the technical... Brody Brody [July 1941] The first act... Bobrka Bobrka During that night 63 peop... Kolky Kolky Another [Lidner's] proced... Page 26 | Additional Possible Matches >>>