
Where vicitims are from, last know location Brody
Town/county where mass grave is located Brody
Mass Grave Location Jewish Cemetery
Date of Murder 1941 July
Numer of Victims 150-170
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony [July 1941] The first action against Jewish communists took place after two weeks, usually doctors and teachers were taken, but others as well. Whoever the Ukrainians pointed at to be a communist, that person was taken. Teachers and doctors were ordered to report for work, but they were never released. Their wives and children were taken with them and executed in the Jewish cemetery. 4 trucks were filled with them, 150 or 170 people.
Testimony Number 301/198
page in longer testimony page 1
Date of Testimony May 21 1945
Name of Witness Rafal Schleger
Current Country Belarus