
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Radom Radom Another group of 40, incl...
Mścibów Mścibów They felt the children to...
Albigowa, [Łańcut county] Łańcut [between September 1941 a...
Lancut Albigowa 8 km from ‎Łańcut, in the...
Lancut Albigowa The other grave is also i...
Albigowa Albigowa In Albigowa, in my sister...
Albigowa Albigowa Other Jews who escaped to...
Jedlinsk, Radom County Jadlinsk During the summer of 1942...
Kamianka-Buzka Obydiv On November 10, 1941 in a...
Lvov Lasienice First massacre, which too...
Łachwa Łachwa Groups of Jews were caugh...
Łuniniec Łuniniec They did the same thing i...
Przemysl Medyka 650 Jews of the technical...
Dynow Dynow In Dynów, Germans took 25...
Bolechów Bolechów "On 3rd, 4th and 5th Sept...
Łochwa Łochwa Groups of Jews were caugh...
Jasienica Jasienica [1942] On the day after t...
Bolekhiv Bolekhiv In the morning of 28 Marc...
Bolekhiv Bolekhiv In the morning of 5 June ...
Bolekhiv Bolekhiv On 8 June [1943] an execu...
Bolekhiv Bolekhiv On 13 July 1943 the worke...
Bolekhiv Bolekhiv On 25 August 1943 a liqui...
Leczna Leczna At the end of February or...
Leczna Leczna one evening, in August [1...
Leczna Leczna On 11 November 1942 SS so...