Additional Possible Matches
Click a row to see the full testimony details.
Where Victims Are From |
Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located |
Testimony |
Radom |
Radom |
Another group of 40, incl... |
Mścibów |
Mścibów |
They felt the children to... |
Albigowa, [Łańcut county] |
Łańcut |
[between September 1941 a... |
Lancut |
Albigowa |
8 km from Łańcut, in the... |
Lancut |
Albigowa |
The other grave is also i... |
Albigowa |
Albigowa |
In Albigowa, in my sister... |
Albigowa |
Albigowa |
Other Jews who escaped to... |
Jedlinsk, Radom County |
Jadlinsk |
During the summer of 1942... |
Kamianka-Buzka |
Obydiv |
On November 10, 1941 in a... |
Lvov |
Lasienice |
First massacre, which too... |
Łachwa |
Łachwa |
Groups of Jews were caugh... |
Łuniniec |
Łuniniec |
They did the same thing i... |
Przemysl |
Medyka |
650 Jews of the technical... |
Dynow |
Dynow |
In Dynów, Germans took 25... |
Bolechów |
Bolechów |
"On 3rd, 4th and 5th Sept... |
Łochwa |
Łochwa |
Groups of Jews were caugh... |
Jasienica |
Jasienica |
[1942] On the day after t... |
Bolekhiv |
Bolekhiv |
In the morning of 28 Marc... |
Bolekhiv |
Bolekhiv |
In the morning of 5 June ... |
Bolekhiv |
Bolekhiv |
On 8 June [1943] an execu... |
Bolekhiv |
Bolekhiv |
On 13 July 1943 the worke... |
Bolekhiv |
Bolekhiv |
On 25 August 1943 a liqui... |
Leczna |
Leczna |
At the end of February or... |
Leczna |
Leczna |
one evening, in August [1... |
Leczna |
Leczna |
On 11 November 1942 SS so... |