
Where vicitims are from, last know location Albigowa, [Łańcut county]
Town/county where mass grave is located Łańcut
Mass Grave Location Origianally in a trench outside of the village, the Jews reburied them in the Jewish cemetery
Date of Murder Between Sept 1941 and summer 1942
Numer of Victims 4
Names of Victims Mentioned the grandfather of the person testifying
Full Testimony [between September 1941 and summer of 1942] One day 4 Gestapo men from ‎Łańcut arrived and dragged 4 oldest Jews out of their flats, my granddad among them, and executed them near the village in a sideway trench. [...] The Germans ordered the Poles who were working in the field and those who were watching shooting at Jews, to bury the bodies in one grave. [...] Some time later the Jews dug out those bodies and transported them to Łańcut, where they buried them in a Jewish cemetery.
Testimony Number 301/882
page in longer testimony page 1-1a
Date of Testimony Przemysl 1945
Name of Witness Rózia Leichter
Current Country Poland