
Best Matches Found

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Rzeszów Rzeszów - Lisia Gora [1943] Very few Jews rem...
Rzeszów Nowa Wies near Kolbuszowa On Rosh Hashanah, 200 Jew...
Pustków camp - Jews from Mielec, Ropczyce, Rzeszów, Sędziszów and the vicinity Chujowa Górka Later on, many Jews were ...
Zasławie near Sanok (Jews frpm Sanok) Zasławie In Zasławie, near Sanok, ...
Dąbrowa Tarnowska Lisia Góra I saw Jews sitting still ...
Iziaslav (Jews from "the Aryan side that had hidden) Iziaslav On 3 September [1942] aft...
Krakow (Jews from Liszki, Czernichów, Krzeszowice, Tenczyn and Nowa Góa) Tyniec First bigger action of "J...
Dynow (Jews from Dynów, Brzozów, Krosno, Jasło, Nowy Sącz and Gorlice) Dynow On Rosh Hashanah a group ...
Rzezawa (Jews from Brzesko?) Rzezawa In 1942, in late August, ...
Debica Lysa Gora [21 July 1942] all the ol...
Sedziszow (Jews from Sedziszow, Wodzisław and Szczekociny) Sedziszow In the eve of Yom Kippur ...
Grabow (Jews traveling to and from Radom and Warsaw) Grabow In March 1942 all Jews wh...
Tomaszow Mazowiecki (Jews mostly from the ghetto but also including several dozen Jews brought from Rawa Mazowiecka and Biala Rawska) Tomaszow Mazowiecki October 1942: During the ...
Sędziszów (Jews from Pustków, Dębica county) Sędziszów I also know that on the o...
Medyka near Przemyśl (Jews from neighbouring villages (now located on the USRR's lands) and those living in Medyka (7 families) Medyka I hereby declare I am awa...
Brzozów near Sanok Brzozów on 10th August 1942 peopl...
Kolomyia (Jews also from Kosiv, Kuty and other towns) Szeferowicze Sheparrivtsi In mid September [1942] a...
Czestechowa? Czarny Las near Czortkow [1941] they began hunting...
Kamionka (along with Jews from Busko, Chołojów, and Radziechów) Zabuże Indeed, a few days after ...
Rzeszów Głogów Małopolski Glogow Malopolski The older Jews and the si...
Jaslo, Krosno Brzozów Another time we were take...
Sasow Olesk They surrounded the main ...
Ryki commune Zalesive Over a dozen of Jews hid ...
Dęblin (Jews from Irena and Czechoslovakia) Dęblin On 15 August 1942, 1,800 ...
Przemyśl Grabowce maybe Grochwce Jewish Cemetery? [28 July 1942] Gestapo me...