
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Dukla Tylawa 400 old people and childr...
Jedlinsk, Radom County Jadlinsk During the summer of 1942...
Iziaslaw Iziaslaw In Iziaslav there is a ma...
Sasiv Sasiv In general, 20-25 Jews di...
Sasiv Sasiv In general, 20-25 Jews di...
Chelmno Chelmno 3 km away from the palace...
Manevychi Manevychi First action conducted on...
Manevychi Manevychi [early September 1942] On...
Horodenka Kamionka [...] After a few weeks a...
Lvov Hycla Gora The vicinity, a so-called...
Manevychi Manevychi The priest told him the w...
Zareby Koscielne Czyzew Sometime in the fall of 1...
Zborów Zborów On the next day, after th...
Varkovychi, Dubno county Warkowicze The ghetto in Warkowicze ...
Nadarzyn Rozalin village In Rozalin village, Młoch...
Falenica Falenica On 7 May 1943 at 5 a.m., ...
Dolyna near Ivano-Frankivsk Dolyna On Sunday, 3 August 1942,...
Vilnius Czerwony Dwor One day in the fall of th...
Warsaw Brodno In connection with the pu...
Romejki village Romejki 30 October 1943, Romejki ...
Baranovichi [Navahrudak voivodeship] Baranovichi First bigger action took ...
Baranovichi Kołdyczewo [Navahrudak voivodeship] The ghetto was liquidated...
Luninets Luninets They began to take the Je...
Berezhany Litiatyn around 6,000 Jews were "r...
Dynow Dynow In Dynów, Germans took 25...