Additional Possible Matches
Click a row to see the full testimony details.
Where Victims Are From |
Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located |
Testimony |
Przemyśl |
Przemyśl |
That time, Gestapo stoppe... |
Przemyśl |
Przemyśl |
the sick and the old were... |
Przemyśl |
Przemyśl |
During the action in Nove... |
Przemyśl |
Przemyśl |
On 1-2 September 1943 the... |
Przemyśl |
Przemyśl |
Germans received informat... |
Zaburzany |
Zaburzany |
The pits-graves had alrea... |
Przemysl |
Przemysl |
A few days later (...) N... |
Przemyśl |
Przemyśl |
On 3 September 1943, Germ... |
Przemyśl |
Przemyśl |
In September 1939 Germans... |
Przemyśl |
Przemyśl |
In November 1943, on Satu... |
Trzebinia |
Trzebinia |
[September, 1939] Germans... |
Trzebinia |
Trzebinia |
All Jews gathered in scho... |
Staszow |
Staszow |
On 10 November 1942, a sh... |
Rzeszow |
Rzeszow |
The final extermination t... |
Rzeszow |
Rzeszow |
The first displacement re... |
Kamianka-Buzka |
Zabuzhzhya |
After the Judenrein (lite... |
Bialystok |
Bialystok |
[April 1943] Some of the ... |
Bialystok |
Bialystok |
We were taken to Augustów... |
Bialystok |
Bialystok |
[1943] In the next weeks,... |
Bialystok |
Bialystok |
At 9 Legionowa st , over ... |
Bialystok |
Bialystok |
Groups of those unfortuna... |
Bialystok |
Bialystok |
On the sae day, under the... |
Bialystok |
Bialystok |
On the 7th or 8th day sin... |
Bialystok |
Bialystok |
On Friday, 20 August 1942... |
Bialystok |
Bialystok |
On 27 June 1941, while en... |