
Where vicitims are from, last know location Staszow
Town/county where mass grave is located Staszow
Mass Grave Location Jewish Cemetery
Date of Murder November 10 1942
Numer of Victims 28
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony On 10 November 1942, a shopkeeper noticed steam spewing out from the basement. Without hesitation, he called for the Gendarmerie. 28 old men, women and children were led out. They were all taken to the Jewish cemetery, ordered to undress and lie on the ground face down, then they were all executed [...] 6,000 Jews were displaced; afterwards, 361 dead bodies were buried in one massive ditch.
Testimony Number 301/13
page in longer testimony pages 2-3
Date of Testimony August 20 1944
Name of Witness Gertner
Current Country Poland