
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Przemyśl Przemyśl That time, Gestapo stoppe...
Przemyśl Przemyśl the sick and the old were...
Przemyśl Przemyśl During the action in Nove...
Przemysl Pralkowce 650 Jews of the technical...
Przemysl Bakowczyce 650 Jews of the technical...
Niepołomice Puszcza Niepołomicka [1942] Those who were la...
Przemisl Przemisl We and 120 Jews were take...
Przemyśl Przemyśl On 1-2 September 1943 the...
Przemyśl Przemyśl Germans received informat...
Wieliczka Niepołomice In the evening, the rumou...
Przemysl Przemysl A few days later (...) N...
Przemyśl Przemyśl On 3 September 1943, Germ...
Wieliczka Niepołomice The roar of cars could st...
Przemyśl Przemyśl In September 1939 Germans...
Przemyśl Przemyśl In November 1943, on Satu...
Przysusze Przysusze I saw Cytrynowicz with hi...
Slonim Pietralawicze [November 1941] At the sa...
Wielicka Puszcza Niepolomicka Judenrat in Wieliczka, or...
Warsaw Warsaw [July 1943?] Before the l...
Łomża Łomża After 25 June 1941, peopl...
Ostrów Mazowiecka Ostrów Mazowiecka On 10 October [1939] they...
Kolbuszowa Kolbuszowa On 28 April 1942, 4 Gesta...
Kolbuszowa Glogow village Transportations from Rzes...
Mykulyntsi Mykulyntsi The Germans entered Mykul...
Plebanowka, Terebovlia Plebanowka, Terebovlia A week after entering, 40...