Mass Grave Database - Based On Early Testemonies <<< New Search Additional Possible Matches Click a row to see the full testimony details. Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony Tarnów Lipie Throughout the whole 1940... Tarnów Zbylitowska Góra Throughout the whole 1940... Słonim Petlorowska Góra Szwed Bazyli (a member of... Berestechko Naręczyn near Zielona They started leading Jews... Tarnow Zbylitowska Góra Thursday was the third da... Dąbrowa Tarnowska Lisia Góra I saw Jews sitting still ... Tymowa near Brzesko-Słotwina Tymowa In Tymowa near Brzesko-Sł... Luninets Luninets They began to take the Je... Berezhany Raj Over 1,200 people were ta... Dabrowka near Wolomin Dabrowka All of the aforementioned... Kołomyja Szeparowce The Germans used to organ... Kołomyja Kołomyja The Germans used to organ... Kolomyia Szeparowce My father, father-in-law,... Kolomyia Szeparowce On 5 November 1942 an act... Kolomyia Szeparowce On <Hoshana Rabbah> 1941 ... Kolomyia Szeparowce In January 1942, followin... Kolomyia Szeparowce Jews gathered in prison w... Przemysl Pralkowce 650 Jews of the technical... Wysokie Litewskie Wysokie Litewskie Later, they started to ga... Pilatkowce Pilatkowce Ukrainians arrested all J... Kamianka-Buzka Zabuzhzhya After the Judenrein (lite... Skarzysko Kamienna Blizyn Bodies of 1200 Jews who s... Skawina Podbory [30 August 1942] There we... Zabierzow Skawina Germans transported those... Przemysl Krutel 650 Jews of the technical... Page 23 | Additional Possible Matches >>>