Mass Grave Database - Based On Early Testemonies <<< New Search Additional Possible Matches Click a row to see the full testimony details. Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony Budzyn Budzyn [November 1942] They orde... Chrzanów Chrzanów [1939] In Trzebinia, 120 ... Chrzanów Chrzanów [September 1939] when aft... Chortkiv Yahilnytsya In the summer 1943 the ca... Trzebinia Chrzanów [September, 1939] Germans... Trzebinia Chrzanów All Jews gathered in scho... Chortkiv Chortkiv Germans ordered to create... Koroscienko Krosnica On 30 August 1942 a displ... Kalush Kalush At the beginning of 1942 ... Tłuste, Chortkiv county Tłuste Through the window I saw ... Miechów Miechów 22 November 1942 at the J... Łęczna Łęczna In November [1942] [...] ... Skawina Tyniec Tyniec The Germans had been taki... Chelm Chelm On the premises of the ca... Tuchyn Tuchyn On Monday during Yom Kipp... Tuchyn Tuchyn The number of Jews rose t... Tuchyn Tuchyn A couple of times in Tuch... Manevychi Manevychi First action conducted on... Manevychi Manevychi [early September 1942] On... Manevychi Manevychi The priest told him the w... Slonim Slonim Gloomy news about killing... Majdanek Majdanek Dr. Cytron heard about th... Goniądz Goniądz Last days of June 1941, G... Trzcianne Trzcianne The execution took place ... Slonim Slonim The first slaughter in Sł... Page 36 | Additional Possible Matches >>>