
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Wiśnicz Lomnia In Łomnia near Wiśnicz th...
Jaworów Kurzawce After 8 days, 13 Jews fro...
Kozowa Kozowa One afternoon, they start...
Mińsk Mazowiecki Chocol village Bodies of the executed Je...
Borshchiv Borshchiv 8 actions took place in B...
Borshchiv Borshchiv After the action, they ga...
Rzeszów Głogów Małopolski Glogow Malopolski The older Jews and the si...
Przemysl Pralkowce 650 Jews of the technical...
Przemysl Krutel 650 Jews of the technical...
Tomaszow Mazowiecki Ujazd January 1943: Those Jew...
Rawicz-Orlano camp Rawicz-Orlano camp „Rawicz – Orlano (camp) –...
Mielec Chorzelow Another 25 people were sh...
Zdołbunów Zdołbunów Suddenly, at night on 12/...
Dawidgródek Meryńskie Chutory levees Before that the German th...
Boszczynek Boszczynek There is a mass grave in ...
Pilica Pilica The handicapped were take...
Radomysl Wielki Radomysl Wielki On Sunday, 19th July 1942...
Radomyśl Wielki. Radomyśl Wielki. In June 1942, German gend...
Kurów (Jews from Pulawy?) Kurow Gestapo from Puławy arriv...
Działoszyce Działoszyce 3 September 1942, an exec...
Działoszyce Działoszyce On 2 October 1942 about 4...
Białystok Białystok In the morning of 27 June...
Białystok Grabowka Then, we were taken to ba...
Radom Radom I lived near a Jewish bat...
Bobrka Bobrka During that night 63 peop...