
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Mścibów Mścibów They felt the children to...
Pokuttya Dniester River Dying in the depths of th...
Zolochiv Zazula At night, people were her...
Slonim Slonim Gloomy news about killing...
Lvov Lvov The guarding SS man would...
Lvov Lesienice Each executions was prece...
Bialystok Grabówka Since 1941, in Zielona an...
Trawniki Trawniki On 3 November - after the...
Tłuste, Chortkiv county Tłuste Through the window I saw ...
Jaslo, Krosno Krempna After a few days, they to...
Jaslo Warzyce After some time, we were ...
Ternopil Ternopil In the summer of 1942, in...
Kozowa Kozowa One afternoon, they start...
Wysokie Litewskie Wysokie Litewskie Later, they started to ga...
Lvov Lvov The worst situation was o...
Lvov Lvov In August 1942 those 100 ...
Lvov Lvov When the prison was full,...
Lvov Lvov When the ghetto was liqui...
Bryukhovychi [Lvov municipality] Bryukhovychi [Lvov municipality] Remaining Jews had to dig...
Kosów [Chortkiv county, Ternopil voivodeship] Kosów [Chortkiv county, Ternopil voivodeship] 98 Jews in Kosiv. One boy...
Chortkiv [Ternopil voivodeship] Chortkiv [Ternopil voivodeship] 20 July [1941] - the firs...
Chortkiv [Ternopil voivodeship] Chortkiv [Ternopil voivodeship] [23 July 1942] They were ...
Lvov Lychakiv Next day, a militiaman to...
Narayiv vicinity [Berezhany county, Ternopil voivodeship] Narayiv vicinity [Berezhany county, Ternopil voivodeship] 16 March 1944 Bandera fol...
Baranovichi Grabowiec The second action took pl...