Mass Grave Database - Based On Early Testemonies <<< New Search Additional Possible Matches Click a row to see the full testimony details. Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony Buchach Buchach [September 1941] Over 400... Buchach Buchach [September 1941] Soon aft... Buchach Buchach The "Action" started on 2... Buchach Buchach [April 1943] The Gestapo ... Buchach Tsvitova [May 1943] From the hidin... Buchach Monasterzyska [1944] "about 600 people ... Buchach Buchach [1943] I survived all act... Buchach Buchach [...] In November 1943 a... Buchach Buchach After a month, another ac... Buchach Buchach The second action took pl... Buchach Buchach He arrested 54 people, in... Buchach Buchach On 27 August 1941 four Ge... Buchach Buchach On 12 June 1943 a liquida... Buchach Buchach He used to tell us about ... Wysocko Wysocko Indeed, on 8/9 September ... Szczucin Szczucin All Jews who were at the ... Wysock Wysock On the sands near the tow... Bialystok Nowosiolki On 15th April 1942 a grea... Przemysl Pralkowce 650 Jews of the technical... Sosnowiec Sosnowiec remaining Jews who preten... Sosnowiec Sosnowiec After the displacement ac... Radomsko Radomsko On 9 and 12 January 1943,... Radomsko Radomsko While driving back, in th... Piaski Piaski In the autumn of 1942, be... Piaski Piaski The third displacement to... Page 37 | Additional Possible Matches >>>