
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Horodenka Horodenka In the summer of 1942 ano...
Krakow Plazsow? In the morning of 3 Marc...
Krakow Plazsow On the first day of work,...
Ostrów Mazowiecka Ostrów Mazowiecka On 10 October [1939] they...
Kovel Maniewicze he spoke about a Jewish m...
Rawa Mazowiecka Rawa Mazowiecka Germans took 17 Jews [......
Szumsk Szumsk [12 August 1942] Germans ...
Ostrow Mazowiecka Ostrow Mazowiecka Old and sick people along...
Falenica Falenica On 7 May 1943 at 5 a.m., ...
Tarnow Zbylitowska Gora. [10 June 1942] some of th...
Nowosiółki Nowosiółki The place of mass executi...
Tarnów Góra Marcina Throughout the whole 1940...
Tarnów Zbylitowska Góra Throughout the whole 1940...
Ostrów Mazowiecka Ostrów Mazowiecka On 10 November 1939 Germa...
Bialystok Nowosiołki The place of mass executi...
Tarnow Zbylitowska Góra Thursday was the third da...
Mielec Chorzelow Another 25 people were sh...
Drzewica Drzewica Members of Judenrat were ...
Kołaczyce Kołaczyce Apart from Szebnie, execu...
Zolochiv Zolochiv On 30 June, the Germans e...
Maków Podhalański Maków Podhalański In the spring of 1942 a g...
Maków Podhalański Maków Podhalański In addition, there is an...
Jodłowa Przeczyca The police ordered the re...
Wieliczka Niepołomice In the evening, the rumou...
Pietrasze Pietrasze Field Few hours after about 6 t...