
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Vilnius Ponary The next day, I found out...
Vilnius Ponary All Jews from that distri...
Vilnius Ponary Not all Jewish people cou...
Zabierzow Skawina Germans transported those...
Biesiadka Nowa Wies near Kolbuszowa On Rosh Hashanah, 200 Jew...
Huta Komorowska Nowa Wies near Kolbuszowa On Rosh Hashanah, 200 Jew...
Pustków Nowa Wies near Kolbuszowa On Rosh Hashanah, 200 Jew...
Rzeszów Nowa Wies near Kolbuszowa On Rosh Hashanah, 200 Jew...
Vilnius Ponary they (not clear where the...
Skawina Skawina In 1943 I was living in S...
Vilnius Nowa Wilejka There were rumors that th...
Kosiv Gora Miejska Gestapo, German Gendarmer...
Rzeszów Rzeszów - Lisia Gora [1943] Very few Jews rem...
Horodenka Kamionka [...] After a few weeks a...
Vilinius Ponary [1941] The executions too...
Lodz (Łagiewniki neighborhood) Lodz (Łagiewniki neighborhood) I heard them telling her ...
Horodok Winniki camp near Lvov [Franz Weiskind] On 7 May...
Buchach Sosenki Till 2 a.m. gathered peop...
Vilnius Ponary They were led by young Li...
Lutsk Lutsk an announcement appeared ...
Lutsk Górka Połonna Only one action took plac...
Lutsk Lutsk Only one action took plac...
Lutsk Górka Połonna There was another camp on...
Kivertsi, Lutsk county Lutsk [10 May 1942] On that day...
Markowice, County of Nysa Borkowice Exhumation report: "The M...