
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Tarnów Tarnów The first victim, a woman...
Tarnow Tarnow [June 1942] Some sick, el...
Tarnow Tarnow [June 1942] Our windows o...
Tarnow Tarnow [Rommelman] ordered every...
Tarnow Tarnow All were gathered on the ...
Tarnow Tarnow During the displacement m...
Tarnow Tarnow That is how he [Goeth] ki...
Tarnow Tarnow In April 1942 Jews where ...
Tarnow Tarnow [10 June 1942] some of th...
Tarnow Tarnow On 10 September 1942 anot...
Tarnow Tarnow [2 September 1943] Everyb...
Tarnów Tarnów Later, we received inform...
Tarnow Tarnow [11 June 1942] [...] then...
Tarnow Tarnow [June 1942] I was sitting...
Tarnów Tarnow That is how the first res...
Tarnow Tarnow Some time later a shootin...
Tarnow Tarnow [Second resettlement] Tha...
Tarnow Tarnow [June 1942] They were col...
Nadvirna Nadvirna My mummy was caught along...
Sandomierz Sandomierz [December 28, 1942] The G...
Stryj Stryj 22 June 1943 action in "A...
Mykulyntsi Mykulyntsi The Germans entered Mykul...
Sandomierz Sandomierz On 10 January [1943] I le...
Sandomierz Sandomierz [10 January 1943] Gestapo...
Stryj Stryj Germans celebrated the fi...