
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Buchach Buchach On 27 August 1941 four Ge...
Buchach Fedor In the morning of 4 Febru...
Buchach Buchach On 12 June 1943 a liquida...
Buchach Buchach He used to tell us about ...
Karczew Tarczew When we arrived at the ou...
Szczytniki, Klimontów commune Szczytniki Adler Luzer, Itla and Fra...
Ivano-Frankivsk Pawełecz All members of Jewish and...
Wieliczka Nieplomice On Friday we learned that...
Kazimierza Wielka Kazimierza Wielka In the woods of Kazimierz...
Wieliczka Niepolomice Old, sick and handicapped...
Nowosiółki Nowosiółki The place of mass executi...
Tarnów Lipie Throughout the whole 1940...
Lithuania (Vilnius?) Lithuania( Ponar?) People in their underwear...
Bialystok Nowosiołki The place of mass executi...
Druya Druya I heard that a similar th...
Wieliczka Niepolomice My mother-in-law was take...
Rabka Rabka One of the first collecti...
Rabka Rabka They were taking people f...
Krakow Krakow On a day after the displa...
Krakow Plazsow? In the morning of 3 Marc...
Krakow Plazsow On the first day of work,...
Rebka Rebka [May, 1942] Those people ...
Dolyna near Ivano-Frankivsk Dolyna On Sunday, 3 August 1942,...
Bierzanów, Krakow Bierzanów A year later we had our o...
Bierzanów, Krakow Plaszow A year later we had our o...