
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Szumsk Szumsk [12 August 1942] Germans ...
Horodenka Kamionka [...] After a few weeks a...
Minsk Minsk Rübe had chosen 13 most b...
Minsk Mazowiecki Minsk Mazowiecki Jews kept in Kopernik Sch...
Minsk Mazowiecki Minsk Mazowiecki After the action, another...
Minsk Mazowiecki Minsk Mazowiecki Judenrat members were exe...
Minsk Mazowiecki Minsk Mazowiecki Members of Judenrat staye...
Kamionka Strumiłowa (along with Jews from Busko, Chołojów, and Radziechów) Kamionka Strumiłowa On Yom Kippur of 1942, th...
Smolansk Katyn forest (Polish officers) Each executions was prece...
Minsk (Belarus) Minsk The infamous exterminatio...
Mińsk Mazowiecki. Mińsk Mazowiecki. Germans left alive some o...
Kamianka, Busko, and Radziechow Kamianka-Buzka vicinity - Ternopil voivodeship [September 1942] From the...
Mińsk Mazowiecki Mińsk Mazowiecki Bodies of the executed Je...
Mińsk Mazowiecki Chocol village Bodies of the executed Je...
Mińsk Mazowiecki Mińsk Mazowiecki Bodies of the executed Je...
Kamionka (along with Jews from Busko, Chołojów, and Radziechów) Zabuże Indeed, a few days after ...
Skała Podolska Skała Podolska The Ukrainian Police and ...
Skała Podolska Skała Podolska According to incomplete d...
Kozienice Jedlnia One night two Jews escape...
Kozienice Kozienice [after the liquidation ac...
Drohobych Medenychi 4 km from Drohobych. On 5 June 1943 one of the...
Kłomnice Radom Jews from Kłomnica were q...
Tomaszow Mazowiecki (Jews mostly from the ghetto but also including several dozen Jews brought from Rawa Mazowiecka and Biala Rawska) Tomaszow Mazowiecki October 1942: During the ...
Lvov Lyczakowskie Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka Camp [1942] In the meantime, a...
Jaslo (Szebnie Concentration Camp) Dobrucowa Szebnie torture camp was ...