תיעוד קברי אחים ממקורות מוקדמים <<< חיפוש חדש התאמות אפשריות נוספות לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים. מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות Będzin Będzin the germans took 18 Jews ... Bedzin Bedzin On 8 September 1939, from... Bedzin Bedzin At the same time, a group... Będzin Będzin [...] On the next day, th... Będzin Będzin Charred corpses were buri... Będzin Będzin In the evening of 9 Septe... Będzin Będzin In the dusk of 9 Septembe... Budzyń - labour camp Budzyń - labour camp during the roll-call he n... Tuchyn Tuchyn On Monday during Yom Kipp... Tuchyn Tuchyn The number of Jews rose t... Tuchyn Tuchyn A couple of times in Tuch... Jaworów Porudno Another action took place... Jaworów Porudno One day, mayor Hałaszczuk... Jaworów Porudno The second action in the ... Rohatyn Rohatyn On Sunday morning Gestapo... Lvov Lyczakowskie Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka Camp [1942] In the meantime, a... Dolinia (Jews from Hungary) Wyszków At the same time [summer ... Dolina (Jews from Hungary) Dolina Around 300 people managed... Dolina Dolina There were around 6000 Je... Broczków, Dolina county Broczkow camp Broczków village, where 6... Lvov Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka camp On 21st October 1943 an a... Lvov Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka camp-Lesiennice. The first massacre, which... Lvov Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka camp Sick people were dragged ... Lvov Lesien - Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka camp I saw cars loaded with Je... Lvov Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka camp an action, which took pla... עמוד 2 | התאמות אפשריות נוספות >>>