
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Jaworów Kurzawce After 8 days, 13 Jews fro...
Brest on the Bug Gierszony At the end of the liquid...
Ryki Okrzeja We headed to Żelechów, be...
Kozienice Jedlnia One night two Jews escape...
Kozienice Kozienice [after the liquidation ac...
Słomniki Słomniki Searching groups of Sonde...
Słomniki Słomniki We spent 4 days on wetlan...
Słomniki. Słomniki. [September 1942] After th...
Słomniki. Niedźwiecki forest Another mass grave is loc...
Lutsk Górka Połonna Only one action took plac...
Lutsk Górka Połonna There was another camp on...
Lutsk Górka Połonka Early in the morning on 2...
Pustków camp Chujowa Górka Their barracks were separ...
Pustków camp - Jews from Mielec, Ropczyce, Rzeszów, Sędziszów and the vicinity Chujowa Górka Later on, many Jews were ...
Krakow (Jews from Liszki, Czernichów, Krzeszowice, Tenczyn and Nowa Góa) Tyniec First bigger action of "J...
Rowne now Ukraine Rowne now Ukraine More than 250 people, onl...
Rowne now Ukraine Rowne now Ukraine On Shevat 14th [1941] in ...
Rowne now Ukraine Rowne now Ukraine On the last day of Pesach...
Rowne now Ukraine Rowne now Ukraine [July 1942] The liquidati...
Rowne now Ukraine Kostopil [July 1942] he rest was ...
Żary near Krzeszowice Dubie In autumn 1943, two men, ...
Lublin Nowy Krepiece [April, 1941] "After thre...
Horodok Gródek Jagielloński [Franz Weiskind] [...] I...
Horodok Gródek Jagielloński at the end of July of tha...
Korets Korets They dig out a deep grave...